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For the past couple of days, I have been all over the place trying to finish up my Nicholas House room.  You can read more about that project here and here. I have been looking primarily for pillows, but who can resist a little look see at what else my local shops have to offer.  That’s where I came across these lanterns at Homegoods.  They ranged in price from $19.99 to $29.99.  What a deal, right?  Especially when I remembered back to my last Pottery Barn catalog…

Homegoods lanterns


I know they’re not identical to the ones from Homegoods, but for the price…  the PB ones range from $19.50 to $49.50 and the Homegoods lanterns are larger.



Another example from Homegoods. I was very impressed with the quality of the lantern on the far left.  Price range $19.99 to $39.99.


These from PB are so very pretty, but range in price from $39 to $149!  Head on over to your local Homegoods store and take advantage of a serious bargain.


I bought these orange pillows for my Nicholas House room. (I promise there is a post about the design this week!) These were at World Market for $12.99 and came in several different colors.


These from Pottery Barn are $29 for the pillow cover and $12.99 for the insert.  Big difference, huh?  Don’t get me wrong, I love Pottery Barn, but why not take inspiration from PB and get more bang for your buck somewhere else…

These were also at World Market and I just loved them, so I snapped a couple of pics.

Finally, this mirror at Homegoods and one of the dumbest things I’ve done in a while.  When I first saw this mirror, there was no tag on it and the salesperson came over and told me it was probably around $40.  Instead of just grabbing it and running to the checkout.  I kept looking through the other mirrors thinking I’ll find one with a tag.  What I found was an empty box and the salesperson says it probably came from there.  Problem was the box said $79, not $40… Why couldn’t I just stop looking?  I would have this mirror in its new home right now instead of remembering it so fondly as it still sits in the store.  Oh well, next time…

5 Responses

  1. Oh, those lanterns are fabulous– especially as the weather is getting better…I may run out and get a few for our patio!! Happy Wednesday! Caroline