I know that we just started on this blog journey together, but I could use your help.  A couple of very smart women that I know have started the non-profit organization Room Service Atlanta.  The goal is to help Atlanta’s overwhelming number of homeless families as they get back on their feet.  Erika and Dayka have brought together a group of designers to help create comfortable and inspiring interiors for homeless shelters in Atlanta.  Their master plan is to do this one shelter at a time throughout the city.  I am honored to be helping with the first shelter that has been chosen, Nicholas House.  Unlike most shelters, Nicholas House offers housing to all types of families.  Did you know that if you are a mom with teenage sons or a dad with daughters that in most shelters you would be separated?  Can you imagine?  The staff at Nicholas House helps all types of families get back on their feet and so can you.

Last week, we were able to visit Nicholas House and see what the residents need to make their lives a bit more comfortable.  To be perfectly honest they need a lot.  Can you imagine taking every single thing that your family owns and putting it in a room that is 8 feet by 10 feet?  That’s the challenge of the mom whose room I will be making over.  She lives in this space with her 4 year old little boy.



So, here’s where you come in.  I need donations!  The bunk beds and dresser will be reworked, but this room needs some tender loving care and that means paint, artwork, bedding, storage and window treatments!  I would welcome these items as well as monetary donations.  Please just send me a note at lori@lorimayinteriors.com if you would like to help out.  All donations are tax deductible.

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