It seems where ever I look lately I see beautiful chandeliers.  You know how it is, you start thinking about something and then you see it everywhere!  For me, I don’t want my chandelier just anywhere, I want it in my master bath.

Now, let me clarify, we are a couple of years away from remodeling our master bath, but I think about it constantly.  Especially as I stand there brushing my teeth and staring at the horrifically designed 1985 version.  Ughhh!

But I digress, here are a few photos of inspiring chandeliers in some beautiful baths.


Nate Berkus

So relaxing…



How can you not love this?  The blue bubbles make me soooo happy!


Barn Light Electric


House of Turquoise



There’s a great version of this fixture at Ikea, check it out here.  It would be inexpensive and a great statement piece in a bath.  This one looks great with the buttery yellow wall and the dark door and floor.

So, that’s where my head is right now.  Do you have a chandelier in your bathroom?  Send me a photo, I’d love to see it!

Hope everyone’s off to a great week!  Here’s hoping that this one is better than last.  It seems like everyone around my house has been sick forever!  I’m hoping we’re on the mend and I can get back to my normal blogging schedule.

Take care and see you back here tomorrow!

4 Responses

  1. The bubble chandeliers make me sooo so happy!! 🙂 I believe the second one was at Anthropologie a while ago; it was one of my favorite things to spec when I was in school.

  2. Love chandeliers in the bathroom! Wish our ceilings were high enough for one. You are right, the IKEA fixture would be a great statement piece.