Today Caroline’s here from A Flair for Vintage Decor!  I absolutely love her “little store” as she calls it.  I just recently purchased a beautiful campaign dresser that I can’t wait to go up to Nashville and get in a couple of weeks.  Who knows I may have to rent a trailer just to get back to Atlanta with all my treasures!  Welcome Caroline…

Hi Everyone!

I am so excited to be guest posting for Lori as she is vacationing with her family!

Lori and I met through blogging and found very quickly that she used to live in Nashville, TN where I live and have my “little store”…as I like to call it!  She has been a great blogging friend since!

Lori wanted us to write a little bit about ourselves, our blog and business…so here is what I put together!

I am originally from Charlottesville, Virginia and went to Vanderbilt University in Nashville…where I met my husband who is a bit more of a homebody then I am so we have stayed here in his hometown of Nashville and it has been a great place to be!  But I do miss Virginia a lot!

In 2010, I started A Flair for Vintage Décor…born out of my love of finding vintage furniture and making it look fresh for today.  I also believe that furnishing your home should be affordable so I really try to look for fabulous items that won’t break the bank!

I have had so much fun doing this and have met many wonderful bloggers and interior designers such as Lori.   The most fun is having someone who visits my “little store” call me up as they have leftover fabric that they wanted to see if I would like to use for one of my next projects…or another person I met through my store emailing me a picture of a vintage piece of furniture that she saw at a local thrift store and thought looked like my store and that I should go by and pick up!   Those experiences, combined with hearing people say nice things as they are looking through my store, is what has made this so enjoyable!

I am all about creating spaces that are happy, fresh and special to the person who lives there!  I hope my little store and blog inspires people to do so!

Hope you all are having a wonderful week and thank you Lori for allowing me to guest post while you are gone!


Take care,



So happy to have you, friend!  So excited to see you in a couple of weeks!  Lori


3 Responses

  1. I love Caroline’s blog and her style! She is such a sweet person and it was nice to learn more about her. Thanks for this series Lori! Happy Friday!