As I was touring around my favorite blogs this week, I came across Lisa at Amid Privilege’s post about the view from her kitchen sink.  She always has the best ideas, I thought.  As I read a little further, though, I realized it was actually the idea of another wonderfully inspirational blogger, the Hostess of the Humble Bungalow.  The hostess had asked her readers to share their views as well.  So, here are a few of their’s and mine.

The Humble Bungalow

Don’t you love all of her accessories?  So pretty.


Metscan from Finland

I can just feel the breeze that’s blowing through the grass.


Amid Privilege

So beautiful!  I would love to have sunflowers in my yard, unfortunately, too much shade from my Georgia pines.


My view

Sorry for the dark pic, but I almost waited too long to take it!  I never get tired of this view…

What do you see each day as you wash dishes or cook for your family?  Please share!  If you do, please place your link in your comment, so that everyone can see your pics too.

Have a great weekend!



6 Responses

  1. Your view looks very peaceful. The view from the kitchen is so important to my husband and me. We can see the backyard from the sink & French doors.

  2. What a marvelous idea! Isn’t there something so personal and special about seeing this part of a person, almost like looking into their soul. Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. My view from the kitchen sink is a cluster of river birch trees. I have bird houses hanging on two of the trees. In the spring I can watch birds making their homes. I also have a view of the yard and the new flower bed we created last year. We live in the old house that my husband grew up in. Many times I think about my mother-in-law looking out the same window as she did her work in the kitchen.

  4. I love a great view from the kitchen window…makes the mundane so much more pleasant. I can see beautiful flowers in my window box and a patio that leads to the view of the backyard. One of my favorite places in my home!! Hope you’re having a great weekend ~

  5. I love the trim on your window and what a pretty view! Do I spy dogwoods I see? We used to live in DC a few years ago, and I do miss dogwoods.

    My view is half roof line of the house next door and then above that the San Francisco hills, which are very pretty. — if you look above the roof line, that is!

  6. Your view is lovely. So lush. I’m back in New Jersey at the moment, and particularly reminded of the good effects of humidity:) I am so glad you decided to pick this up and take it forward!