I’ve been planning this update to for months and finally got around to doing it this weekend.  I can’t believe I waited so long!  It literally took less than 45 minutes to do this project from start to finish.  How’s that for an instant update?  Here’s where it all began.

bookcase before

I have two of these bookcases, one on each side of the desk where our family computer sits.  I realized as I was doing this post that I’ve never taken a wide shot of the bookcases and the desk.  I guess they just never really inspired me.  That’s the problem.  These bookcases are okay, but they just need a little pizazz.


bookcase after

Here’s the same bookcase after.  Can you see the difference?  I added some left over grasscloth (free) from another project to the back.  Sorry for the bad picture quality.  This room is so dark and it’s really hard to get a good shot, but you get the idea.


bookcase empty

The first step was to take down the bookcases, remove all the chotskies and get them outside.  Believe it or not, these things were super heavy!  But, Eric I was able to pull Eric away from football long enough to get help with the heavy lifting!


back of bookcase

Now, here’s where I was able to save tons of time.  See those tiny screws?  I was able to take them all out and remove the back.


bookcase back

That left me with a nice flat piece of wood to use as a template to cut out two pieces of grasscloth. (one for each bookcase)  Cut the grasscloth just slightly smaller than your bookcase back, so that you can be sure the back will fit when you put it back on.  We used a utility knife to cut out the grasscloth.  It was super easy to do and reasonably safe.  You can see that Eric’s doing it here.  I don’t think he trusts my cutting skills, even though he’s the only one that has actually made an emergency room visit due to a really gross utility knife injury!


sticky tape on the back

Once the grasscloth was cut out, I put double sided tape to the bookcase back.  Now, I know what you’re thinking, double stick tape will never hold the grasscloth, but once you add in the shelves, I promise it does.  I used it here on an office redo a few months back.  Plus, I might want to paint these bad boys one of these days, so I didn’t want anything stuck to them permanently.


pressing down the grasscloth

Once you have your tape in place, apply the grasscloth.


bookcase after

Put the back into place, remember all those tiny screws and this is the final result!


bookcase after

Here’s bookcase number 1.


bookcase before

Here’s the before, so you don’t have to scroll all the way back up again.  (I’m lazy like that too.)


bookcase after

Here’s bookcase 2 after.  I really love how the grasscloth lightens up the back and makes the accessories really stand out.



So, what do you think?  What quick and easy update have you done lately?  I’d love to hear about it.  Remember, projects don’t always have to be complicated and time consuming to make a big difference in your home.  Little changes can do a lot!


I’m joining Kim over at Savvy Southern Style today.











10 Responses

  1. What a difference! I really appreciate that you put everything back on the shelves the exact same way so that you can really see the impact of the grasscloth. ( no more lurking!)-Elena

  2. Ahem…..I see Eric doing all of the work and you doing all of the narrating 🙂 That is the way I like to do it also! They look great…texture is everything!

  3. This is a great new look, Lori. And I like easy projects too. I’ve been meaning to replace the framed scrapbook paper in my daughter’s room for a few months now, so this is giving me motivation to do so.

  4. This looks great! Office redo still gets lots and lots of compliments, including the bookcases with the grasscloth backing. Who would have ever thought double sided tape could be so handy!

  5. Lori, I love the grasscloth addition. I did something very similar to the back of my bookcase in my sitting room over a year ago. I took foam core board and cut it to the size between the shelves and taped burlap around them and just slid them in place. I can change them out anytime.

    Thanks so much for joining the party.