Hope you all had a great weekend.  The weather here in Atlanta has been cool and wonderful, just exactly the way I like it.  We spent Saturday at the soccer field and Sunday going through all of the girls’ summer clothes and switching them out for their fall options.  It takes a while, but wow, it’s so great when it’s done!

the lucky house

I wanted to give you all a bit more information about my secret special project last week.  If you follow The Lettered Cottage, you’ve probably heard that they have been filming a pilot for a certain home/decorating channel that we all know and love.  They filmed it last week in Suwanee, GA and I got to help out along with several other bloggers/readers.


Shaunna from Imperfectly Perfect, Rhoda from Southern Hospitality, me and Layla from The Lettered Cottage

Here we are on the first day, looking all bright eyed and bushy tailed before we actually got to all that 80’s wallpaper!



Here’s one of the sweet homeowners, Emily.  She and her husband Alex had just moved into this home 7 days before we all came in!


Shaunna and Matt

Here’s Shaunna again and her very handy husband Matt.  I was so thrilled to meet them after reading about all of the DIY projects they’ve completed in their own home.  Shaunna is crazy handy with a paint brush and Matt’s carpentry skills are amazing.  If you haven’t seen their projects, be sure and head over to Perfectly Imperfect today!


after, sort of...

Unfortunately, I can’t really show you pictures of our work, but here’s a little peak of the after.  Once the show airs, which we all hope will be soon, you can be certain that I’ll spill the beans!  Trust me, it looks fabulous and I’m certain that Kevin and Layla are to be the next big DIY stars!

Have a great day!


7 Responses

  1. I saw a little teaser on Twitter about this project – that is so exciting for all of you. Talk about collaboration – what a talented group you’ve got. Looking forward to hopefully reading more details.