Today  I thought I’d let you in on a little secret.  I know that you all think that my life is completely glamourous, full of gorgeous furniture, luxurious fabrics and completely organized spaces.  How else would an interior decorator’s life be?

my dining room

Well, how’s this for a reality check?  This is what my dining room looks like as we speak.  Two design projects and a few random Christmas boxes in here.


my kitchen

Here’s my kitchen.  Hydrangeas for a Christmas project, tools and a stepstool sit ready for an install.


my garage

…and finally, the garage.  This actually looks pretty good, but no shot of my car getting in here!

I’ll be honest, there’s is a lot going on right now.  You’re looking at 3 different design projects at various stages of completion.  The garage and kitchen contain items for a Christmas install that happens today. Yay!

Is my life glamourous? Hardly.  But it is interesting, challenging and fun.  My point is we all put a great deal of pressure on ourselves to have the most perfect spaces, especially this time of year.  Give yourself a break.  Relax a little.  Life is very rarely glamourous, no matter what you see on blogs and pinterest.  Remember those are just small snippets of people’s lives.  No one’s perfect and no space is perfect all the time either.

Take care, take it easy and I’ll see you back here on Wednesday with some before and afters of my Christmas install today!






9 Responses

  1. Thank you for this keeping it real post Lori. I think we can all use appreciate this. I hope you are having a great holiday season.

  2. Ha Ha…it seems like my extra bedroom is always in that state……other peoples stuff waiting to be installed!!! Good luck and can’t wait to see the reveals.

  3. oh girl I am right there with ya! and I only have 1 client project going on-I cant imagine having 3 on top of all my holiday stuff Im doing. And your garage looks awesome! you should see mine- you cant even see the floor and my husbands swears he’ll never get to park in there again.
    Cant wait to see all your up to!!

  4. Yay Lori – thanks for keeping it real! And can’t wait to see photos of your projects. I love these behind the scenes posts, and your post title lured me right in 😉 Not that I needed luring but knowing what is to come type of thought.

  5. So true Lori! Thanks for showing the other side of the story today. I feel our house is in various stages of projects all the time and it only stays sane long enough for photos of finished projects :)…its nice to know you’re not alone, pinterest makes everything look so glamourous.