Ok, it’s taken me a couple of days to get it together, but, wow, what a weekend!  As I told you last week, we made a quick trip to Waynesville, NC this past weekend.  Remember Angela’s cottage?  I posted here about our blogger girls’ weekend a few months back.  What a thrill it was to take my girls and my mom this time.  Angela had told me that the cottage had been decorated for Christmas and she did not disappoint.  Have a look at her wonderful simple touches.

How could you not want to go through this door.  The natural touches start here with magnolia leaves and pinecones.


This is the entry.  Don’t you love how Angela dipped just the tips of the pinecones in blue paint?  What a great touch.




I couldn’t take my eyes off this beautiful vase full of magnolia branches.  I’ve already planned my own version for my dining room.  Don’t you just love the bronze color on the underside of the leaves.


Do you notice anything strange in the mirror’s reflection?  Yep, that’s me in my fuzzy pink robe!  My girl’s literally got up at the crack of dawn on Saturday, but it was the perfect time to take these beautiful photos.



The sun coming up over the mountains.  So relaxing.  I really needed this.


There were even simple touches as you go downstairs.  This is something anyone can do and it looks great.


My girls were thrilled that the Elf on the Shelf had come to visit as well!


Colorful stockings outside the bunk room.


A special touch in my room as well.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the Christmas tour of the cottage.  We all certainly did.  (I took this pic throughout the window, right before they pressed their faces against the glass and made their crazy faces!)  More to come on Friday!

Take care and thank you to everyone who wrote such sweet comments about my Christmas install last week.  I did add the missing picture.  No idea where it went, but it’s back now!

Waynesville on Dwellable













6 Responses

  1. What a beautiful cottage!! It looks like the perfect getaway. I love the wreath hanging over the fireplace adorned to the tobacco basket (I think that’s what it’s called). And your girls are too adorable!!

  2. So glad you enjoyed your time away, Lori! I bet your family really enjoyed their vacation! Hope your girls are enjoying their break from school! Merry Christmas friend!!

  3. Hi Lori,
    My name is Jane and I’m with Dwellable.
    I was looking for blogs about Waynesville to share on our site and I came across your post…If you’re open to it, shoot me an email at jane(at)dwellable(dot)com.
    Hope to hear from you soon!