Okay, from the look of the title of this post, you’re going to get everything but the kitchen sink from me today and it’s true.  So, just bear with me and you won’t be disappointed.

My assistants and I (what, you didn’t know I hired assistants?) okay, okay school’s still out here, so Kate and Charlotte were along for the ride today as I did some client shopping.  Thank goodness they really are troopers and a little ice cream bribery doesn’t hurt either!  Here are a few things we found.  Please forgive the quality of the photos, I only had my iPhone today!

I found this sofa for a new client who has a great loft space in downtown Nashville.  We’ve had a terrible time nailing down the perfect sofa, but this dark charcoal one was perfect and the last one they had, so I got a great deal on it.  Again, sorry for the pics, I was so psyched about finding this sofa, that I didn’t even move my purse before I took it!


I love this table so much!  I found a console that’s very similar for a client who loves neutrals and texture.  Perfect for her!  Love the mix of rustic and modern.


Great wood panels again for the client who loves neutrals?  We’ll see…


These nesting tables were a personal favorite.  Can’t you just see them painted in a bright color…

…like this?  They would be a showstopper in blue lacquer.


Now on to a brand new blogger!  Jen and I go way back.  Back before husbands, (mine, at least) and kids we used to work together.  Who knew that blogging would put us back in touch?  Jen is an amazing person who lives in Washington state with her husband and two adorable kids.  At Home in the Northwest is her way of sharing her love of creating and decorating and she is great at both.

She recently posted a tutorial for this adorable tooth fairy pillow for her daughter Emmie.

And, what has to be my personal favorite posts of Jen’s so far… Brie Bites!  If you need a go to appetizer, this is definitely it.

Jen’s blog has become one of daily my must reads and I know it will be one of your new favorites too.  Check it out here.


And finally, a big huge congrats to Ally on her 3rd blogiversary!!!  She’s hosting 3 days of giveaways over at From the Right Bank to celebrate.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  I’ll be spending it working on my Nashville project.  Design board and before pics to come!

7 Responses

  1. Happy Friday Lori!! Looks like your assistants are helping you get a lot done 🙂 I haven’t forgotten about Scott’s Antique Market this month! I hope we can go next Friday!

  2. Lori, great finds!!! I love that sofa and the nesting tables and the coffee table!! Were they at a local store near you? And I think I might have seen a preview of Jen’s blog because Elizabeth from The Mustard Ceiling did her design (I think). I will have to go check it out. How fun!

  3. Love ALL those tables, Lor!! I bribed my assistant with IKEA meatballs this week! I have been to Jen’s blog, lots of inspiration for sure! So fun you’ve reconnected! Have a great weekend!

  4. Great finds Lori! But you must tell where you’ve been looks like some place I’d like to visit. I’m going to have to try your friend’s brie bites…they look so yummy.

  5. Hi- I LOVE that blue coffee table!! Can you tell me where it came from? I’m in Arkansas but gotta have one!!