This is my new cabinet.  I like, but I want it to be white.  The vibe for my half bath is serene and relaxing.  The black feels too harsh.  The painting will be moved somewhere else and a new piece that I hope to pick up at Scott’s this weekend will take it’s place.


You can see that it really is a nice finish with rubbed red accents.  After considering the best way to paint the cabinet, I settled on this.


Annie Sloan’s chalk paint.  Yes, I know you’ve heard all about it and most of you have probably used it, but I’m a novice.  See, I’m not that great of a DIY’er.  What’s that, you say?  How can I write this blog and talk about the things that I do and not DIY?  I have good intentions.  I have plans.  I even buy supplies, but I never quite seem to get them done.  Why?  I’m not quite sure.  Maybe I’m afraid of messing up?

But no more.  I AM painting this cabinet.  Not next month, not next week, but now.  I’m committing right now to showing you my finished cabinet on Monday’s post.  Wish me luck!

8 Responses

  1. Lori, you are too funny, but I know exactly what you mean. I have some AS paint and waxes, but I have not used them yet. I think you’ve just motivated me to go ahead and find out what everyone has been talking about for the past year. Can’t wait to see how your cabinet turns out!

  2. you go girl!! you cant mess up with AS paint. dont freak out when you put the 1st coat on and its all splotchy – it dries sooo well – I always do 2 coats to get the best coverage. Slap it on with a sponge brush walk away for about half an hour or so- then apply your second coat. To seal it you can use a clear wax. now I’ve never used her bright white -so I dont know if the wax will cause the white to turn darker. I have used it with old world white and it just makes it creamier.

  3. Lori, I’m so anxious to see how it goes! I haven’t used it yet either and have a cabinet in my bathroom, too! I’m scared…you go first!

    My #1 motivator – telling the blogosphere I’ll show them something on Monday! 🙂

  4. Where have I been? I’ve never heard of Annie Sloan’s paints! What makes them so special? Of course, I’ll run out and buy some and never get around to using it. Can’t wait to see the finished product and the lowdown on the AS paint.

  5. Go Lori! I’m with you – I’m not a great DIYer either, but rather I think I’m a hesitant DIYer. I always worry that I’m not “doing it right” or that the finished product isn’t going to look the way I want it – sometimes I just need to go balls to the wall, you know? I also tend to get a little lazy with my DIY projects – like my bedroom dresser that is in desperate need of painting. Ugh, I can’t even think about it. Well, I can’t wait to see your finished product – it’s going to look awesome!

  6. I know exactly how you feel. I am not a big DIY doer either…..though I wish that I could be. I’m always afraid that I will spend a ton of time and then mess it up. Guess I should start small.
    Looking forward to seeing your piece when it’s done!