I did it!  I finished my first chalk paint project.  It has definitely been a learning experience.  I thought 2 coats of paint would be enough, but it turns out that I needed 3.  Why?  The finish that I started with was really dark and I assume that is why it took more coats.


Here’s the original piece.


I’m still trying to decide whether or not to slightly distress the edges.  I’m going to live with it for a few days and see how I feel about it.  What do you think?   To distress or not to distress?

You can see some brush strokes here.  This hardware was difficult to paint around even when it was taped off.  Do you have a hint for painting around hardware?  I’d love for you to share.

What do you think?  Have you painted with chalk paint?  Did you like it?  What’s your favorite DIY painting project?

This piece of furniture has kickstarted my half bath into high gear.  My goal is to finish each room in my house over the next year.  You know how you always have a few things to do here and there.  Well, as a designer, it seems that I’m always working on other people’s projects and not my own.  No more.  This project has given me major motivation.  On to the fabric choice for the roman blind.  And here’s a sneak peek of  a piece of wall decor that I bought at Scott’s last week.

Can you guess what it is?  Stay tuned!

I’m linking up to Domestically SpeakingHow to Nest for Less and Miss Mustard Seed today!


8 Responses

  1. Lori! It looks awesome! Now this might be a silly question, but what does chalk board paint do other than the obvious? Does it give a different texture? Because you won’t be writing on this piece I’m assuming, right? I love those brushes that you have displayed on top of the piece. I can’t wait to see the room come together and to see your fabric choices for the blind. I gotta keep going on some of my projects too – they’re all half done and it’s driving me crazy. Your art from Scott’s appears to be one of those sea fans (I can’t remember the name of them). Great job and congrats on finishing your project!

  2. Hey Lori,
    Checked out your blog when I saw you were guest posting with me for Elizabeth! I am totally hooked. I have been dying to see the finished product on your chest. I have not been brave enough to order the chalk paint, but you have inspired me!! I need to order some. As for you Scott’s find, it looks to me like a fabulously frame with lots of patina – the item framed, a sea fan? Just my guess!! M.

  3. Looks great!! I say distress the edges a little bit if you are taking a poll! 🙂 Also, did you use Annie Sloan chalk paint or did you make your own? I’ve seen a few tutorials on Pinterest on how to make your own chalk paint, but wasn’t sure how well it worked!