Exciting news today, friends!  I finally got an air date for my HGTV show, Design Wars.  It will air on April 20th at 1pm.  Thank you for your support over the past several months and I look forward to sharing more photos and behind the scenes tidbits from the filming this past summer.  What an experience!

I’ll see you all back here for my normal post on Wednesday.  Have a great day!

8 Responses

  1. WOO HOO! I was just thinking about this the other day and wondering if you knew an air date. You know I will be setting the DVR and hopefully watching live as well. So exciting!! Have a great day!

  2. EEEEEEEK! I can’t wait! I knew you when! Oh, I WISH I could go to Lavish! again this year and bask in your success. I’m SO going to post and bost:).