I hope you’ve all had a great week.  Things are getting really exciting for me as my HGTV show gets closer to airing.     Next week will be a whirlwind, but it’s nice to get to the final part of this journey.

Today, however, it’s all about Mitchell Gold Bob Williams.  I was invited to a designer luncheon last week to view their new spring collections.  As always, I was incredibly impressed with MGBW’s commitment to great design and high quality.  Here are a few pictures that I took of their fabulous showroom.

The use of raspberry and the fabulous metallic ottoman made this collection my favorite.


I could find so many uses for these chairs.  Right now I have them in mind for a client’s music room.  Picture creamy white built in bookcases, an ebony black piano and these gorgeous velvet chairs.  Perfect!


Love the sparkle.  I think every space needs a touch of it.




The blue green palette was also very eye catching.  The artwork alone is well worth a trip to MGBW.


Of course, I couldn’t miss a space with an orange accent wall.


Can’t you see this in a chic man cave?  The alligator is incredibly striking.



And just in case you thought MGBW was all about modern looks, here’s their traditional take on a beautiful dresser.


Last, but not least,  the piece I couldn’t leave the showroom without.  This beautiful white lamp now resides in my family room.  I have a post planned soon with all the changes that I’ve made to update that space.  This lamp added the modern traditional look that I love in my home. Be sure to visit MGBW, they’re showroom is gorgeous and well worth the trip.  If you don’t have a showroom near you, check out their online shop.

Have a wonderful weekend!




5 Responses

  1. I love that lamp that you picked up. I’m determined to get down to the store in Philadelphia one of these days but it’s pretty small I think. If I’m up in NY sometime I’ll check that one out. I love the alligator den and their take on the traditional dresser too. What an exciting time for you Lori! Can’t wait to see you on air!

  2. so fun! I LOVE their furniture. We have two of their leather chairs from ages ago and they still look awesome- even after 3 kids and a dog.
    Cant wait to see the HGTV show- so exciting!!

  3. Beautiful showroom…love that gallery wall. Looking forward to seeing that cute white lamp in your updated family room…and seeing you on HGTV! So exciting!
    Have a great weekend ~ Laura

  4. Thank you for the kind words about our Atlanta store. We are as excited about your post as we are your upcoming endeavor with HGTV. I’ve just signed up to follow your ‘Pops of Color’ and ‘Novelty’ boards on Pinterest. They are the perfect portion of inspiration!

    Cheers- Cindy