Okay, so I know I promised a different post for today, but we took a surprise trip to Charleston yesterday and I wanted to share my instagram photos with you.  If you’ve never been to Charleston, you should certainly put this on your bucket list.  It has some of the most beautiful homes that I’ve ever seen.  And not to mention the food, which is where our tour starts…


Toast was our first spot for a delicious brunch.


Charlotte was thrilled with her breakfast favorite!



Next was a carriage ride tour of the city.  This is where the fun begins!  (My sweet nephew Jeremiah was less than thrilled with the ride, but he and Charlotte soon fell asleep and missed the majority of the ride.)


Love all the architectural details and the beautiful blue paint color.


The porches on the sides of the homes were once used to receive guests, especially during the heat of the summer.


Many of these doorways are “false” doors.  They open up to the sitting porch of the home.


Gotta love the blue ceiling.  They are everywhere in Charleston.  The blue is called haint blue which was used by the early residents of Charleston to keep the evil spirits away.



I loved these shiny red doors.  The windows were so clean that they look like mirrors.


One of Charleston’s quaint hotels.


These morning glories were so blue that they almost didn’t look real.


There are so many amazing churches.  These gorgeous columns are actually brick covered with smooth stucco and painted to look like marble.


Another wonderful place to visit are the many old cemeteries.  It’s fascinating to read about the people buried there.


I know this picture is a little wonky, but I had to lean out of the carriage to get it.  I didn’t want to miss this gorgeous pink home.


This home was under going a major renovation.  It’s so different from all of the others.  It felt so sturdy, yet so beautiful.


And, last but not least, this is the most photographed home in Charleston.  It sits right on the water.  People were lined up to take photos of it.  Can you imagine living here and having people look into your windows day and night?  I can’t, but I guess that’s just part of living in one of the most beautiful homes in one of our most beautiful cities.

I hope you’ve enjoyed my instagram tour.  If you’d like to see more photos, be sure to follow me on instagram at @lorimayinteriors.  I love to take photos when we travel, but I also share photos of my daily shopping adventures for clients and of course, myself.

Have a great weekend and I’ll see you back here on Monday!








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