Many of you will remember the Room Service Atlanta project that I worked on last year at the Nicolas House here in Atlanta.  Well, it’s that time again and I’m so excited about this year’s project.  We will be working with the United Methodist Children’s Home.  The UMCH has many different programs and we will be focused on the independent living program for young men.  The staff of UMCH helps these young men ages 17-21 years old gain independence by teaching them the life skills they will need to live on their own.  You can read more about the partnership of RSA and UMCH here.

I’ve partnered with Angela from The Painted House and Rhoda from Southern Hospitality to work on 3 spaces, the entry, a bedroom and a lounge space.  Here are a few shots of the spaces.


This is the entry.  We decided not to paint the paneling. It’s in good shape and with a new floor and a fun twist on entry furniture, it will look totally different. That’s Angela making notes for our design plan.



Almost all the existing furniture will be replaced and the paneling will be painted.



These three shots are of the bedroom and lounge.  One young man will use both of these spaces.  This shot is looking out toward the hall.  There a nice architectural details in all of the spaces.  I love that transom window.


Here’s the lounge that we primed last week.  Such a difference just the primer makes!  I’ll show you the design plan later this week, but our goal is to make these spaces cozy, comfortable, yet masculine.

Obviously, this a a labor of love for all of us, but it is not inexpensive to put this together.  We have gotten some wonderful donations, but we are still looking for assistance.  If you would like to make a donation, please email me at  Also, if you’re in the Atlanta area and you’d like to help us clean, paint, put together furniture and all of those other things that go along with an install like this, please feel free to  These projects are a ton of work, but I’ve yet to do anything more rewarding.  The women that I have met through Room Service Atlanta will be my friends for life and we would love for you to be a part of that as well.




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