Last week was a complete whirlwind of hard work and amazing inspiration at the UMCH!  I will admit that a couple of times throughout this project, I have said to myself, “What I am thinking?”  “There’s no time!”, but the end result of this amazing project makes all that self doubt so incredibly worth it.  The cherry on top is the collaboration with so many other wonderful designers, sponsors, workers, volunteers and the staff at UMCH.

Let’s take a look at where we started.  Rhoda, Angela and I worked on the lounge and bedroom for one young man as well as the entry of the cottage.  Let’s start with the lounge.  Here’s the before.


And the after.  See those beautiful floors? Vinyl. Yes, vinyl. Can you believe it?  A huge thank you to Lowes for that fabulous donation!  You’ve gotta love a blogger with great connections!  Thanks Rhoda!


The artwork that Angela created for our spaces just blew me away.  This is just one of 7 pieces she painted!


The other side of the room.


A closeup of two other pieces by Angela.  How much do you love that tiny piece with it’s tiny easel?


A closeup of the chain that I found at Target in the Nate Berkus collection.


I managed to do a little thrifting to find a few vintage pieces.  These pool balls were one of my favorite finds!  The books came from the discount section of Barnes and Noble.



One last shot looking into the space.  The 3 is another Angela original.  (We were working on room #3.)

I mentioned Lowes’ donation earlier, another huge thanks goes out to Purdy, Dutch Boy, Sherwin Williams and Zinsser for the paint supplies, Kim, Mari, Elena and Heather for your time and talents and Chris for everything, including all those things we added on at the last minute!  And to those of you who made financial donations, thank you, thank you!  We could not do this without all of you helping in your own special ways.

To my partners in crime, Rhoda and Angela, asking 3 creative types to work on one project is no small feat.  You’re hard work, commitment and attention to even the smallest detail was so inspiring and I’m so honored to have worked with you both.

If you’re in town, be sure to join us for the Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams party November 1st from 5pm to 7pm.  See my post here for details and rsvp info!

There will also be an Open House at UMCH on Monday, November 5th from 3pm-5pm.  

Stay tuned for part 2, the bedroom and entry on Friday!


24 Responses

    1. Thanks Jamie! That table was a happy accident. The one we wanted was not available, so this one came from Angela’s playroom!

  1. Hi Lori,

    Congratulations! The lounge looks amazing! Are the floors vinyl or laminate? Just curious as we’re looking to lay new flooring in a rental home and I got a sample of each yesterday at Home Depot and was not sure which would be best for a living room/kitchen area.

    Thanks for posting!

    Holly Irwin

  2. Yea, yea, yea! Just when we thought we bit off more than we could chew (and probably still feel that way, ha), we did it! Thank you so much for your help to the group effort. I’m so thankful that you and Rhoda let me worm myself into your partnership. 🙂 And a great vintage eye you have!

    You will always be one with the shield in my heart. xoxo

    1. Ha! Thanks so much Angela. I so enjoyed working with you both. Looking forward to future projects. Wonder what our next “shield” will be???

  3. LOVE IT GIRL!!! Can’t wait to see it in person tomorrow. You totally inspire me with your mix, your styling, everything. Angela is amazing. That was a ton of crazy talent, all three of ya, in one room.

    btw nice aperture shot of the chain link ;-))) Showcase skills at work!
