As I started writing this post, I realized that with all the craziness of the United Methodist Children’s Home project and my client work, I haven’t told you about some really exciting news.  To be honest, I thought I had told you.  I’ve been sitting at my desk this morning for way too long trying to hunt down the imaginary post that I thought I had written.  Oh well, here goes.  I am doing my first show house!  Before the UMCH madness kicked in last month, Sherry and I put together a presentation for the Cathedral Antiques Show Inspiration House.  It was great fun collaborating with another designer that I admire so much.  It was even more exciting to be chosen to do the space.

Now the real work begins.  The first thing we did was go shopping to get our ideas together and create the design plan.  We then contacted Joan Borawski, who is an amazing artist, to do our renderings for the space.


Aren’t these great?  It gets better…



Here they are in color.  To say that Joan is talented is a complete understatement.  Thanks Joann and Kelly for recommending her!


These are our fabrics and the fabulous presentation box that Sherry found at the Container Store.

Now, it’s crunch time. December is construction month, so we are getting the painting and flooring lined up.  We found some gorgeous antiques last week that we may be able to use.  ( I’ll share a few of those with you in Friday’s “What I found this week” post.)  That shopping trip really took away some of the pressure of preparing for our first show house, over Christmas, no less!

It can feel a bit overwhelming to put it all out there for thousands of Atlanta design lovers to see and critique, but I really feel that Sherry and I have got this.  To be honest, my willingness to put it all out there is the gift that my interior design business and this blog have given me.  There have been many firsts for me over the past couple of years and putting it all out there has brought me to a new level of confidence.  Don’t get me wrong, I have my down days, but I remember that sometimes you have to get outside your comfort zone to get to the next level.  That’s what putting it all out there is about!

Wish us luck!


13 Responses

  1. Lori, congratulations!! Your rendering and presentation box puts your project over the top to Greatness!! Love it!! Can’t wait to follow along with the process,
    PS Sherry is one of my favorite people/design bloggers!! Love her design aesthetic!! as well as yours, what a great collaboration.

    1. Thanks so much Kathysue! I love Sherry as well. She has taught me so much about this business and I’m so excited to be working with her on this project.

  2. That is so great, Lori!! You and Sherry are both so talented !! It looks fantastic! Can’t wait to hear about the process and see the final product!


    1. Thank you Lisa. I think of you often and how much you’re encouragement in the beginning of my blogging process meant to me. Whether you know it or not, you were put on my path just at the perfect moment.

      Thank you.