As I sit here this morning, it is still pitch black outside and my children are sleeping soundly in their beds.  I can’t help but think that there is a mother in Newtown, CT sitting as well mourning the loss of her own child.

Ever since I heard the news of the school shooting on Friday, I have been unable to think of anything else.  I have obsessively read any update I could get my hands on about this tragedy.  The pain that I feel for those families is almost unbearable, although I cannot fathom the pain that they feel.  Perhaps it is because both of my daughters are in elementary school or even that my youngest is a 6 year old 1st grader, but I am not ready to move past this unthinkable act and talk about my frivolous design projects or worry as I have in the past about how I’m not posting as much as I should…

Of course, I had something different I had planned to share with you today, but it will have to wait for another day.  Today is about remembering those sweet children who had their whole lives ahead of them and their amazing teachers who gave their lives trying to save them.

It is also, however, about finding a way to protect our children.  As I listened to President Obama speak last night at the memorial service in Newtown, he said our first priority is caring for our children.  And then he asked a simple question, “Are we doing enough?”.  The simple answer, no, we are not.  I realize that there are people who will say that there was nothing we could do to prevent this from happening and that sometimes bad things happen.  I cannot accept this.  My only job on this planet is to care for my children.  To guide them, to protect them and to help them as they grow.

I do not have all the answers, but I know that this must end.  We must join together and find a way to protect our children.  If we don’t do this, we will be nothing.  As the most powerful nation in the world, I know that this is possible.

Yesterday, I read a blog post that touched me deeply.  I hope you’ll read it to.  The Anarchist Soccer Mom:  Thinking the Unthinkable  This woman could be any of us sitting at our computers on any given day.  Think of your day to day struggles and then try to fathom hers.  We must help her child.  We must help all the children.  It is our responsibility as human beings.

As a nation, we are broken.  We must start from this day to repair ourselves and worry about what is important.  These children who were lost were my children.  They were your children.  It must be our mission in this life to protect them all.

15 Responses

  1. I feel the same way and I intend to do my part. I don’t have answers only a lot of questions and suggestions at the moment. Though my children are grown I hope to have grandchildren and I want a safe place/world for them to live in.

    1. I also intend to do my part Tonia. I’m not exactly sure what that means yet, but I’ve started with the elementary school where my children attend. I have made it a point to completely understand the security measures and find out if they need anything more.

  2. I am so there with you. My youngest is in Kindergarten and I just cant let my mind go there. I cried most of the day yesterday off and on-I couldnt even listen to Christmas music-my heart hurt too much. God be with us!!

  3. I have had a plaque in my kitchen for years that says…… Prepare the child for the path NOT the path for the child. I can’t think of a better way to do that then to show them what close, loving, real, intimate relationships look like especially with God. Our children need to know we live in a broken world, but in times of evil and tragedy God will provide us with peace to deal with the present and the courage to deal with the future. He will protect us. He is always loving & always available. Our children need the opportunity to know God.

  4. Hi Lori, My heart breaks with yours. I read the link about the woman whose child has mental illness. I take it all in and I don’t know what to do with it. So I will go to my studio and paint and pray for His guidance.



  5. The first word that came to my mind was pray. And I’m not the most spiritual of people but my heart told me that I needed to pray. I have sort of unplugged from a lot of the details because I didn’t want to know more, but I tuned in to the service last night where the President spoke because again I was connected to the prayer that was offered and the community that was brought together in sadness to hold each other up. I haven’t cried this much in a long time.

    1. I feel this could be any community in our country. I feel so close to these people that I do not know. My prayers are all for them right now.

  6. As a mother my mind keeps going back to that day and the terror those teachers must of felt and I start crying all over again. I am taking a break from my blog as are so many others. We now have a job to do and that is put pressure on our elected officials to bring about change. This cannot happen ever again.

    1. You are absolutely right, Luci. It is time for our elected officials to be brave and help us to take care of our future.