Sherry and I worked all week installing our space in the Inspiration House. And it rained almost every day. Not a nice, soft rain. A cold, drenching, wet from head to toe rain. At one point, I was so wet, water was running from my hair, down my face. I stopped caring what I looked like. You might think that it eventually got funny to us. It didn’t.
But, what was fun was working with an extremely talented woman on a project that I have come to love dearly. I hung out with Sherry and her sweet puppies a couple of nights during the install. If you read Sherry’s blog, you know that these sweeties are quite the characters. This is Patches. She was my constant companion at Sherry’s house. She laid in my lap and cuddled with me like a 10 lb. lap dog. She has no idea she doesn’t weigh 10 lbs.! I don’t have a picture of Zipper. He was not so sure about me hanging out at first, but he got used to me after a while.
We did have a couple of panicky moments during the install. On Thursday, we hung our curtain panels, and honestly, they were terrible. The trim was too flashy and the fabric was way too burlap like. Totally our fault. So, what did we do? We scrounged around Sherry’s horde (I mean, collection) of fabric and found a fabulous cream colored linen and begged Sudi (Sherry’s amazing friend and fabricator) to make us two new panels. She did and the crisis was averted. Moral of that story. Go with your gut. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel.

After the curtain crisis, things started to fall into place and by Friday, the space was almost done and the sun was finally shining. It’s amazing what a little sunshine will do for a person after 5 days straight of miserable rain. I was almost giddy as we tweaked the room on Friday.

If you follow me on Instagram, you have seen most of these photos. We have been asked not to post photos of our entire space, which is very hard to do, but Atlanta Home and Lifestyles will be photographing the entire house this week and they have 1st dibs. Christina Wedge will be photographing our space on Monday and I promise to keep you posted. Follow me on Instagram at LoriMayInteriors and I’ll give you a few more sneak peeks of the photo shoot.
To see more of the beautiful pieces from our room. Head over to Sherry’s blog and check out her hilarious as always update post!
The Inspiration House starts Sunday, 1/27. It runs from 1/31-2/3 and 2/7-2/10 from 11am to 5pm each day. Sherry and I would love to see you! Click here for tickets.
I can’t even look at those curtains….I die a little every time! But my smoothie looks pretty cute:)
Bravo ladies!!
Thank you Holly!
I can’t wait to see your room!! No doubt it’s going to be a beauty.
Lori, I love what I see so far. I looked at this rug for my familyroom, love it!! Can’t wait to see more. You and Sherry are real troopers doing this project for a good cause and in the rain no less. Can’t wait to see more,
xo Kathysue
Thanks Kathysue! So wish you could see the show house in person. So much better than the photos!
love the rug
I love the snippets! I can’t wait to see the whole space. Can you believe that rain?!
Thanks for your sweet comment Angela. It was fun hanging out again the other night. Missed you!
Yay! It looks great and I’m dying to see more!! What a great team you two make.
It has been so fun to work with Sherry. Can’t wait to hang out with you again in March!
Congrats Lori & Sherry! The sneak peak looks amazing. So fresh and stylish. Looking forward to seeing more!
Congrats, Lori! As I said on Sherry’s blog, ‘Hope you two treated yourselves appropriately for all your hard work!’ The peeks look fabulous!
Thank you Pam!
So unbelievable proud of the two of you! I know the rain was a pain in the a$$ but you didn’t let it stop you from delivering some amazing results! looking forward to seeing you all on Thursday. xo
Thanks so much! Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday night!