Hard to believe that the summer is half over.  I know that you’re all swamped with vacations, projects and summer activities, but I wanted to touch base.  I realize that my last post was in the month of May.  If you follow me on pinterest, instagram or twitter you may have noticed that I haven’t been there either.  I have been on on a social media detox of sorts.  It wasn’t truly planned, but as my project load increased and my work hours decreased due to the girls being home for the summer, I realized that something had to give.

I’ll be honest, while I have missed being around and involved, it has been heaven.  I have hung out with my kids and my husband.  I have had cookouts with friends and this week the whole family will be visiting my parents for a good old fashioned 4th of July celebration topped off with the 10th birthday of my oldest!  Where does the time go?  Can it really have been 10 years?  It has and it’s flying by even faster each day.

I am truly enjoying this summer and I hope you are too.  Take time to give someone an extra long hug today and tell your family that you love them.

I’ll see you back here in August.

8 Responses

  1. I’ve been on a break too Lori and it feels great – between the move, my pregnancy, and getting settled into our new house – I just haven’t felt the urge to blog at all. I plan on being back a few months after the baby arrives with some projects from around the house, but I’m feeling good about all of the QT I’m getting with family and friends. Enjoy it and good to read you’re doing well.

    1. So good to hear from you Holly. I know what you mean. I’ll post about this when I start back up again, but the creativity and clarity that I have gained after stopping all the madness for a while has been truly enlightening.

      I wish you the best with the new baby and I can’t wait to see photos. Enjoy your summer and I look forward to reading your blog again when you feel like getting back to it.

      Take care,


  2. So glad to hear you are enjoying your summer! We miss you here on the blog, but I know your family must be enjoying having more time with you! Thanks for stopping by our yard sale this past weekend.

    1. I hope you’re having a great summer to Dorothy. It was good to see you the other day. I only wish we could have talked longer! Once the girls are back in school, we’ll have to have lunch.

      Talk soon,


  3. Lori,
    Your family is MOST important and I admire you for taking the time that you need to give them the attention that they deserve. While I miss your posts, I understand totally the need to unplug! I hope you continue to enjoy your summer.

  4. Hi Lori,
    Glad you’re having a good summer and enjoying your family! Sounds like your priorities are all in the right place!!